Canna Massage Now Available At Madison Healing Arts

Despite the fact that CBD is becoming more mainstream by the day, a CBD-based drug was just approved by the FDA to treat Anti-inflammatory, Anti-anxiety and more and more.
There’s still a lot of confusion about the difference between CBD (the component that brings balance back to the body) and THC (the psychoactive element associated with feeling “high”)—two of the most abundant chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant.
What is Cannabidiol ?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most critical cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant. It exists both in agricultural hemp, as well as medical cannabis. While cannabinoids are present within several plants in nature, cannabis is the only plant known to contain CBD.
CBD has the same chemical formula as THC, with the atoms in a different arrangement.

If You Take THC, This is What Might Happen:
THC is the main psychoactive component found in abundant quantities in the marijuana plant and you will experience a “high”. Most marijuana has mover 15% THC and is often used for its euphoric, relaxing, and pain-relieving effects—other common uses include:
Sleep and drowsiness
Appetite stimulant
Muscle relaxant
If You Take CBD, This is What Might Happen:
First of all, let’s talk about what won’t happen—CBD is found in abundant quantities in the hemp plant and will not get you high. Hemp has less than 0.3% THC and some products even go the extra mile and take this out so they have 0% THC in them. The list of conditions CBD may help with is ever-expanding, but here are some of the most common uses:
Muscle Pain / Muscle Spasm
Rheumatism and Arthritis Pains
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Broken Bones
Mad Cow Disease
Back Pain
Sciatica “Piriformis Syndrome”
Heart Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Bacterial Infection
Cannabinoids have a wide range of health benefits, ranging from THC's appetite-stimulating qualities to CBD's anti-anxiety properties but understanding the differences is crucial. Put yourself in the power seat of making an informed decision that is right for you, your lifestyle, your ailments, and in taking an all-important step toward your ultimate vitality.
CBD and Hemp Oil Massage Treatment
If you’ve been injured or experience chronic pain, you understand how difficult finding an effective and lasting treatment can be. At Madison Healing Arts, we use the healing powers of cannabis oils and creams to encourage natural healing. Through our non-intoxicating cannabis massage and hands on massage therapies, we’re able to utilize the natural anti-inflammatory elements and other benefits of the plant to help alleviate your chronic pain and provide you with results lasting longer than a normal massage. Our Hemp oil is organic (no any fillers) and completely optional and are non psychoactive.
Call or Text us at 646.481.8722 for a CBD massage today!