Update on the COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Dear clients and friends, At Madison Healing Arts, we are taking precautions very seriously to ensure that when you visit us, you feel safe and secure. I'd like to go over specifics for COVID-19 precautions. What MHA is doing:
We wash our hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and use alcohol based hand sanitizer during the session.
In addition to our regular, comprehensive cleaning procedures, we are having the studio professionally deep cleaned twice a week to ensure that the areas are as sterilized as possible.
We empty our trashes every day.
We are thoroughly wiping down all massage tables, props, surfaces used in the session with sani-wipes either clorox or similar.
We provide sanitizer in each room including waiting area.
Our practitioners will wear face masks and gloves if necessary.
Hand sanitizers and alcohol sprays are stocked throughout the office.
We've also implemented a no hugs, no kisses, and limited adjustments environment for the time being.
Let's adopt the Thai custom of greeting, the "Wai", to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus. If Ryan can, you can! __/|\__

General recommendations that you can do for yourself and others:
Support your immune, nervous, and lymphatic systems through nutrition, supplements, massage, and movement. For example drink a lot of hot tea, eat garlics and etc.
Actively use essential oil blends to support your immunity. Blend any high quality essential oils of Thieves and Frankincense, along with coconut oil. We use dōTERRA Essential Oils at our office.
Meditation practice is what can help you keep the nervous system calm so that it can respond properly, instead of being taxed by how worried we are. Studies show that physiological changes occur after meditation training that make it easier for your body to fight off bacterial and viral pathogens.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
If you're sick, please stay home!
We hope you feel more comfortable & safe coming to our office. Wishing you all continued good health and end the COVID-19 soon!